Today temporary electric came to my little hollow. The funny thing is so many never thought this day would happen...Entergy among them :). To recap, there was electricity to my property, the top of my property. I am building 800' at the bottom of the mountain, in the hollow. I wanted to bury the electric line from the county road to the bottom. This summer, I had a trench dug 800' from the top to the bottom. Friends and family assisted me, and in one day we laid 800' of conduit for the electricity. Let me try and give you a visual....a three foot deep trench, at a severe angle, 2" conduit in 20' pieces that have to be glued together and laid down in the trench piece by piece. On top of this, you have to pull a string (we had a weight at the end) through each piece. The string is what Entergy used today to pull the electric line through to set up the temporary electriciy (and eventually the permanent electric). The trick is to put the conduit together fast enough that the glue doesn't dry on you, but not so fast that you get the string caught or glued in the ends. This did happen one time to me, and we had to cut the conduit and do a patch job with a PVC piece that I can't remember the name of...what I do remember is Steve Copeland from Miller's Hardware answering my desperate cell phone call from the bottom of the trench begging him to send a guy out with the piece I needed, along with another few 20' pieces so I could finish in time for the backhoe operator to cover the trench. Steve did - what a great person!
So everything was ready and waiting...
Today was the day...I can't wait to get all the details. I am curious if they even needed the string to pull the wire, since we were convinced gravity would do the trick :)
Electricity in the hollow!
I started this blog primarily for my parents who are full-time missionaries in Panama. I wanted them to be able to follow my progress in building a "workshop" in my hollow. The 3 month construction period is now into month 8 :) I have gotten lazy about the blog as I have become overwhelmed by keeping up with the construction, my career, my family, etc. As I begin again here in month 8, I am committed to not only getting back on the wagon, but catching up on these past three months adventures via the day at a time.
So enjoy the laughter and the tears as a single girl continues her adventure...building her dream at the bottom of the mountain, by the creek, in a beautiful hollow in north Arkansas.
So enjoy the laughter and the tears as a single girl continues her adventure...building her dream at the bottom of the mountain, by the creek, in a beautiful hollow in north Arkansas.
Working My Way Back Home

Me...Completely Giddy...1st Day
Just an addition to this post from last December...the string wasn't that necessary ;) Gravity did most of the work ~ got to love it!!