I started this blog primarily for my parents who are full-time missionaries in Panama. I wanted them to be able to follow my progress in building a "workshop" in my hollow. The 3 month construction period is now into month 8 :) I have gotten lazy about the blog as I have become overwhelmed by keeping up with the construction, my career, my family, etc. As I begin again here in month 8, I am committed to not only getting back on the wagon, but catching up on these past three months adventures via the blog...one day at a time.

So enjoy the laughter and the tears as a single girl continues her adventure...building her dream at the bottom of the mountain, by the creek, in a beautiful hollow in north Arkansas.

Working My Way Back Home

Working My Way Back Home
Me...Completely Giddy...1st Day

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Walls Walls, and More Walls

The walls are continuing to go up. The second floor exterior walls are nearly completed as of New Years Eve. In under a week and a half - with only five work days, the framers have gotten a lot accomplished. As they make progress, I am left to make more and more decisions. Also, it seems, more errors in my drawings are discovered. I am trying to learn from each mistake :) I am also working to make lemons out of lemonade. First, the bedroom closet was too small (though I figured that error out with the doors and windows). A solution was found, but not before going through multiple revisions on the bathroom. My contractor and I decided that the best layout remained the first layout for the upstairs bathroom.

Next, we moved to the kitchen, and long story short...I am off somewhere between 1.5 - 3 feet. I will know how bad this is when I meet with the kitchen cabinet people in the next week. The worst case is that there are less cabinets, but since I am going to the ceiling with them....I am not that worried. As Beci told me, sometimes the biggest mistakes turn into the neatest things about your place.

I am watching the weather for next week as I write this....low -2 one night...snow chances four out of the next seven days....Steve said Thursday that he hoped to have the roof up by next weekend...I am thinking that might not happen. If anyone can, he can. :)

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